The Love We Found Page 9
Andrew was stunned at the lack of remorse. All the blame was on someone other than Tina, the one who had started the fight and brought the knife. He fished out his cell phone and brought out the messages he had told Elena to send over from Caitlyn’s phone.
“Then what are these messages that Caitlyn received?” He held up the screen so Josie could see it. “Mentioning that the brick that went through my front window should have hit her and she deserved to be cut by the glass. Now, how would you know about the brick and the assault on my house?”
Shelly looked like she was about to pass out. Josie folded her arms.
“I didn’t send that. And I heard it from a friend about the brick.”
“What friend is this?”
Josie was silent. Shelly groaned.
“Josie don’t lie to us. I know that’s your number, and you were out last night.”
“I wasn’t…”
“I heard the front door and you coming up the stairs. If I’d known you were out committing a crime…” Shelly walked across the hall shaking her head. “Fuck, Josie!”
“I think your mother’s entitled to be mad right now.” Andrew said. “I’ve seen all the text messages, Josie, and Caitlyn isn’t that savvy to send texts to herself with a number that matches yours.” He raised his eyebrows. “Would you like to try another excuse, or would you want to tell the truth?”
Josie pouted. Andrew was half-expecting her to throw her toys out the crib. She stuck her bottom lip and leaned one arm on the balustrade, her other hand on her cocked hip. Andrew hated that look on anyone, least of all a cocky teen.
“She ratted out on Tina.” Josie said. “We don’t rat out friends.”
“No, you go as a pack to stab a fellow school friend.”
“Caitlyn’s not my friend, she’s a bitch.” Josie snorted. “Come on, you’re with the Blackhawks. You’ve been in fights before. Since when did you whine about a fight having a knife involved.”
Did she just go there? Andrew looked at Shelly, who looked just as stunned.
“Believe it or not, not all bikers have been in fights. It’s a family, not a gang. And we’ve never been cowards like you and your friends were.”
Josie’s face went red.
“I didn’t know Tina was going to bring a knife.” She muttered sulkily.
“From the way you ran off, you did know. You’re a complete and utter liar, Josie.”
Josie’s lip curled.
“Oh, yeah?” She sneered. “I’m a liar, am I? You got any proof of that?”
Andrew could see he was not going to get anywhere with the little brat. He glanced at Shelly, whose expression said she wished she was not going through this. Andrew turned back to Josie, who was starting to smirk.
“I’ve come here to give your mother two choices, Josie. This is also for you. You can carry on acting like a little girl with that attitude - and trust me,” He added as Josie scoffed, “I’ve seen tougher girls than you with less attitude - and I’ll take everything that I have to Detective Prewitt. From what I’ve heard, you and your companions are not getting charged with assault alongside Tina, and that makes you incredibly lucky. However, he will arrest you for ignoring a police warning.” He held up two fingers. “Either you carry on as you are, or you can pay my daughter compensation for your actions and I’ll make sure Detective Prewitt doesn’t put this on your permanent record. What’s it to be?”
Josie’s mouth dropped open.
“’re blackmailing me? That’s a crime!”
“After what you’ve done to my daughter, that’s barely a drop in the ocean.” Andrew waggled his fingers. “Arrest or pay up. Your choice.”
“We’ll pay.” Shelly said.
Josie looked outraged.
Shelly put up her hand, which was trembling.
“Shut up, Josie. You’re just as guilty as Tina in what happened. You shouldn’t have gone there looking for a fight, and you should’ve kept your nose out of things. Everything has escalated because you and your stupid little friends thought you were the big balls.” Andrew had to bite back his laughter when he heard that. “You’re not paying the proper price for your actions and instead paying compensation for causing an assault victim extra stress.”
At least someone was on the right track. Andrew knew he could get through to Shelly. He laid a hand on the woman’s arm.
“How about you and I sit down and draw up a contract? We can discuss things, then. And just so you know, it’s not you I want to punish.”
“I know, but seeing as my daughter’s a minor…” Shelly glared at her daughter. “I have to pay the price.”
“Don’t except your father or I to pay you through any type of college after high school, sweetheart. You’re still going to be paying us back.”
Josie looked like she was about to explode.
“But... Mom, this isn’t fair!”
“Then you shouldn’t have taken a knife to a pointless fight.” Shelly shot back. “You only have yourselves to blame for your actions.” She turned to Andrew and he could see her visibly pulling herself together. “Come through into my office, Mr. Lewer. We can talk there.”
Chapter Eighteen
Jackson never took his cell phone onto the ward, leaving it in his locker, so as soon as he switched it on after changing out of his uniform, Andrew’s text flashed up. He wanted Jackson over at his place as soon as he finished work. That was it.
‘My Place. Now.’
With the way Andrew had been as they parted ways earlier in the day, this wasn’t just for a date night. Something else was going on. Jackson just knew it. Andrew had been concocting a plan in his head ever since leaving Sara Manley’s office.
Jackson could only hope that nobody was going to get hurt. After what Andrew had been through, it was only a matter of time before he snapped. And Jackson didn’t want to pick up the pieces after all that.
He headed over to Andrew’s house. The lights were still on, and Jackson could see Caitlyn in the front room, curled up on the couch as she watched the TV. Even in the heat, she was wrapped up in a bulky cardigan, cuddling a cushion. Jackson tapped on the window to get her attention, and Caitlyn’s faraway expression cleared when she saw him. She put the cushion aside and stood as Jackson headed to the porch. Her smile was tired but warm as she opened the door to him.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey.” Jackson hugged her, kissing her head. “How you doing?”
“I’m coping.” Caitlyn made a face. “I’m not good with the heat, though. I feel all over the place.”
“It’ll pass.” Jackson led her into the lounge. “Where are your brothers?”
“Both asleep. They’ve got the fans on full blast.” Caitlyn sighed as she sat down, Jackson beside her. “Even then, I’m still too hot.”
“You know what I used to do when I was your age?”
Jackson grinned and leaned toward her.
“I used to get a small towel and soaked it under the tap. That was then wrung out and I put it around my shoulders right next to my skin. That always cooled me down.”
Caitlyn stared at him. Then she laughed and shoved his shoulder.
“You act like it’s a special secret of yours.”
“Well, I was the only one mad enough to do it.” Jackson sat back and crossed his legs. “I seem to remember Mom complaining about the amount of water I dripped everywhere.”
“Dad would probably say the same. I was pressed up against the inside of the freezer yesterday.”
Jackson laughed. Then he gestured at the window.
“I see your dad got the window fixed pretty quickly.”
“He did. Dad knows a lot of people in the Blackhawks who can be here after just one phone call.”
“You’ve never been bothered about bikers being around you?”
“Why would I? They’re Dad’s family, so
they’re my family. And I happen to think they’re an awesome family.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Although my mom would say otherwise. If she’s not in charge, then it’s nothing. And with the Blackhawks, she’s never in charge.”
Jackson couldn’t agree more with that comment. He rubbed his hands over his face. The heat was making his skin feel greasy.
“Listen, Cait, I don’t know how much you’ve heard about things going on lately, but Andrew and I never cheated during his marriage to your mother.”
Caitlyn rested her head on her hand, her arm propped up on the back of the couch. She gave Jackson a smile.
“I have heard a few things. Word gets around pretty quickly. While I don’t believe that you and Dad cheated on Mom, I wouldn’t blame Dad if he had. Although,” she added with a giggle, “I am a little surprised that it would be with you that Mom accused.”
“Not petite with big boobs and a pussy?”
Caitlyn’s giggle went into full-blown laughter.
“Sort of. You’d look pretty good with boobs.”
“Just joking.” Caitlyn nudged him with her foot. “You’re just the complete opposite of Mom. Calmer, level-headed. You’re just what Dad needs.”
“And you’re not bothered that your dad and I might have something going?”
“Why should I? Dad’s a grown man. And if it makes him happy, then that makes me happy.”
Jackson had never met an eighteen-year-old as mature as Caitlyn Lewer. She was a stunning woman. It was no wonder that Harry liked her. Although liked, in Jackson’s opinion, was an understatement.
“I’m glad you’re pleased about it.” Jackson nudged her knee. “Other people would not be so understanding.”
“I certainly won’t be understanding if you fuck him around.”
She was Andrew’s daughter, no doubt about it. Jackson glanced at the clock.
“Where’s Andrew gone, anyway? He texted me to come here, and it sounded important.”
“He headed out shortly after dinner, suited and booted.”
“Suited and booted?”
Caitlyn shrugged.
“Don’t ask. I have no idea what he’s up to, but he looked like he was not leaving wherever he was going empty-handed.” Her head twitched up as the sound of an engine reached their ears. “Sounds like him now.”
Jackson sat up and saw Andrew’s bike pulling into the drive beside his car. It was odd to see the man on his bike wearing a suit, but was a strangely good look on him. Jackson couldn’t remember the last time Andrew had even worn a suit. He preferred either bike leathers or his clothes that he wore while working. Jackson hadn’t realized Andrew owned a suit.
But he was looking forward to stripping it off him later.
Caitlyn stood and went to the door as it opened, and Andrew stepped inside. Andrew gave her a hug with a heavy sigh, kissing her head. Then he saw Jackson. Jackson stood as Andrew approached him, giving him a brief but sensual kiss that had Jackson biting back a moan. He had to remember Andrew’s daughter was watching them. Then Andrew hugged him tightly.
“I’m glad you’re here. Thanks for coming.”
“It sounded important.” Jackson pulled back. “Where did you go?”
Andrew beckoned Caitlyn in. Then he reached into his pocket and retrieved some folded papers, which he handed to Caitlyn.
“These are for you.”
“What are they, Dad?”
Caitlyn looked confused. Jackson was just as bewildered.
“Contracts? For what?”
“I went to have a word with Josie Costello, one of the bitchy girls harassing Caitlyn. Don’t worry, Cait,” Andrew added as Caitlyn started to protest, “I didn’t go in guns blazing. But her mother and I have had a little chat. Her and the other parents of the rest of the girls involved.”
Jackson stared. Caitlyn looked mortified.
“Dad! You should’ve let Harry...Detective Prewitt deal with it. I’ve notified him about it.”
“I made a deal with all of them, which you’ll see in the papers there.” Andrew sat back. He looked very pleased with himself. “They all pay compensation for their part in the assault, and I won’t have them charged alongside Tina Marko as well.”
Jackson knew he was looking at Andrew with his mouth open. He went to demand money off children. Caitlyn stared at the papers in her hand. Then she looked up at her father.
“That lot actually agreed to that?”
“They didn’t have a choice. As minors, it was up to their parents and they chose to go through the money avenue. It was cheaper than hiring attorneys to represent them, according to one dad.”
“You blackmailed them.” Jackson murmured.
Andrew shrugged. Caitlyn shook her head in stunned amazement.
“I’m not sure what to say.”
“Don’t say anything, sweetie.” Andrew stroked her head. “I’m doing my best to look after you. The least they can do is pay you for their actions.”
Caitlyn still looked like she was in a trance. But she leaned over and hugged her father.
“Thank you, Dad.”
“You’re welcome, darling.”
Caitlyn kissed Andrew’s cheek and drew back, tugging her cardigan around her as she stood.
“I’m going to go upstairs now. I think the painkillers are beginning to kick in.”
“Night, honey.”
Jackson mumbled a goodnight as Caitlyn left the room. As soon as he heard Caitlyn’s footsteps on the stairs, he turned to Andrew.
“You threatened teenagers!” He hissed. “How could you?”
Andrew blinked.
“I didn’t threaten anyone. I told her she had two choices and their parents, very wisely, chose the payment method.”
“That doesn’t make what you did void!” Jackson snapped.
He couldn’t believe what Andrew had done. Never would the man ever contemplate doing that before. Andrew had claimed he wanted an honest life for himself, and yet here he was committing a crime.
Harry was going to be furious when he found out about this.
Andrew looked at him, and Jackson was astonished by the hardness that came into his eyes. The man could have been made out of stone. Jackson found himself sitting back. This was not the Andrew he knew.
“Jackson, you’re not a parent.” Andrew’s voice was level, but tight. “Those girls went to the park as a pack with intent and attacked my daughter. They were lucky they weren’t arrested for their involvement. I’m willing to waive those charges if they give Caitlyn compensation for her pain and suffering.”
“That’s still blackmailing a teenager.” Jackson pointed out.
Andrew’s jaw tightened. He leaned toward Jackson, and Jackson saw the pure rage in his eyes.
“You saw what that little bitch did, Jackson. Do you really think what I did was any worse?” Then he pulled away, so fast Jackson swayed and stood abruptly. “I’m going to get a drink.”
He stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him.
Chapter Nineteen
“Phew!” Andrew sagged onto a bench outside the courtroom, thumping his head against the wall as he closed his eyes. “That was more nerve-wracking than I expected.”
“We won, though.” Jackson pointed out as he settled beside him. “Antoinette’s stories fell apart pretty quickly and she was given the dressing down she should’ve had years ago.”
Coming to the courthouse and seeing Antoinette already there with her lawyer had made Jackson nervous. Even when she was reined in by a lawyer, Antoinette still managed to get scathing remarks across that everyone heard about. And Jackson had a feeling she would have plenty to say about him and Andrew being a couple.
But the moment that Antoinette started on her rant, Judge Nairn shut her down. The middle-aged woman in the judge’s chair was like a battle-axe. Sara, who had accompanied them, had mentioned Nairn ruled her courtroom with an iron thumb. You didn’t sp
eak unless she was speaking to them and there was no shouting out. Jackson’s voice had initially shaken when he first started answering her questions, but he fell into his stride.
Thankfully, even though Judge Nairn saw all the paperwork that said Jackson was elsewhere at the time of Antoinette’s car being keyed, she declared to Antoinette that she already knew that she was lying. The judge wanted to see how deep Antoinette dug herself into a hole. She called Antoinette out on her actions, accusing her of being a vindictive woman because she wanted to wreak havoc in her former husband’s life even when she herself was on trial.
Jackson had had to bite the inside of his cheek when Antoinette started spluttering and Judge Nairn cut her short. Finally, Antoinette had been thrown out and Judge Nairn gave the lawyer her verdict, one that had the lawyer leaving with a very red face.
“I certainly enjoyed it when Judge Nairn laid into her for abusing the court system to get out of her own charges.” Andrew chuckled. “That lawyer looked like he wanted to sink through the floor.”
Standing over them, Sara burst out laughing.
“I think he did. I saw him scurrying out as soon as we left.”
“I’m not surprised.” Jackson grunted. He laid a hand on Andrew’s thigh. God, the guy still looked good in a suit. “What happens now?”
“Now, I’m filing for full custody.” Andrew’s tone was final. “Considering she’s going to jail, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get the temporary order to be permanent.”
“You need any help with that, you know where to find me, honey.” Sara glanced at her watch. “Give me two minutes while I go to the bathroom. Then I’m treating the two of you to a celebratory meal.”
“Sounds good to me.” Jackson declared, and Andrew gave a thumbs-up.
Sara walked away, her hips swaying in her hot pink skirt. Jackson looked at Andrew. It had been a week since Andrew had come back after blackmailing the girls into compensating Caitlyn for their actions. They had argued some more, with Jackson finally throwing his hands up and accepting it. They couldn’t change it now, and Jackson had to accept that he was involved with a man who was more toeing the line to criminality than he realized.
They hadn’t spoken about it since. Jackson was still not happy about it. Neither was Harry, who was ready to arrest all of them. But Jackson could see it from Andrew’s point of view. He wanted Caitlyn to be repaid for what had happened to her. At least he hadn’t gone over and waved a gun around threatening to kill them. That Jackson certainly would have objected to.