Appeal to the Heart Read online

Page 4

  “Maybe I can suggest a couple of things.” Alex’s voice was practically a purr. “I need to let off some steam as well. Perhaps we can help each other.”

  That was an invitation, for sure. Joe swallowed.

  “How were you going to do that?”

  “Be a bit risky.” Alex’s voice lowered. “Do something I don’t normally do. Live dangerously, so to speak. You up for it, Joe?”

  Joe was more than up for it. If Alex shifted his hand further up, he would be feeling how up for it Joe was. He growled and slid off the stool, his mouth inches from Alex’s, and grinned.

  “How about we get out of here and find out?”


  Alex’s apartment was closer to the bar, so they went there. Joe did have a moment to think about what he was doing, but he discarded it. It wasn’t every day that an attraction as strong as the one they were feeling came along, and Joe wanted to have a bit of something for himself. One night to scratch an itch. From the way Alex was practically squirming in his seat as they drove back to his place, he was thinking the same thing.

  Joe barely had time to take a look around Alex’s apartment because the moment they stepped inside and Alex closed the door, Joe found himself pushed up against the door with Alex’s mouth on his. His surprise melted away as the kiss made his lips tingle. Damn, Alex knew how to kiss. His hands shoved under Joe’s sweater and scraped his nails gently down Joe’s back. It was like he was starving for it.

  They were wearing far too many clothes. Joe started pushing Alex’s jacket off his shoulders, which Alex slipped off without stopping the kiss. Their hands were everywhere, almost tearing at each other’s clothes. Alex nearly got strangled with his tie and Joe’s hands fumbled with Alex’s belt before he was able to undo it. Somehow, the two of them ended up naked, still pressed up against the door, with Alex’s hand around Joe’s cock and stroking it in time to his tongue thrusting in Joe’s mouth.

  Wow. Joe was practically writhing, wanting more. He had gone from zero to sixty so fast Joe was trying to keep up. This felt really good. He thrust into Alex’s hand, feeling Alex’s cock against his hip. Damn, Alex was bigger than he anticipated, but it still had Joe shivering at the thought of having that cock all to himself.

  Alex momentarily broke the kiss.

  “You cold?”

  “I’m fine.” Joe was panting. “It’s been a while.” He reached for Alex’s cock and stroked him, causing Alex to moan. “A really long time.”

  “I can tell.” Alex’s voice was shaking as he thrust into Joe’s hand. “When was the last time you fucked a guy?”

  “College. Ten years ago.”

  Alex grinned. Then he was sliding down Joe’s body, his hands brushing against Joe’s cock and cupping his balls.

  “Then I’ll take it slow. Make sure you’re used to me. I’m a lot bigger than the average man.”

  Joe found himself laughing.

  “Arrogant bastard.”

  Alex’s only response was to take Joe’s cock into his mouth, completely. Joe was not a small man at all, and he almost shot off the door as Alex took his cock in, the tip bumping against the back of Alex’s throat. Alex eased back and did it again, and Joe had to grit his teeth to stop himself from cumming so fast. He was so wound up in knots that it was going to take a slight nudge to make him explode. From the way Alex was fucking his cock with his mouth, he knew that.

  Joe’s legs were going weak. He wouldn’t be able to stand up for much longer if Alex kept this up. He didn’t want this to stop, but he couldn’t stay upright. Suddenly, Alex’s mouth was gone and he was standing in front of Joe, taking him into his arms.

  “I think we need to go somewhere a little more comfortable.” He kissed Joe, nipping at his lower lip. “Or do you want to do a bit more exploring?”

  “The exploring can wait.” Joe rubbed his cock against Alex’s, grabbing Alex’s backside and squeezing. “I’m going to explode if you don’t fuck me now.”

  Alex’s mouth spread into a slow, easy grin that made his eyes glow. God, he was gorgeous.

  “Just what I wanted to hear.” He kissed Joe hard and then pulled him along. “This way.”

  They didn’t stop kissing even as they entered Alex’s bedroom and fell onto the bed. Joe didn’t want to stop touching Alex. His body was lean, and very solid. Compact muscles everywhere. Especially in his cock. He was easily almost as thick as Joe’s wrist. Joe’s ass clenched at the thought of taking him in. Could he even do it?

  I certainly can.

  “Roll over.” Alex finished their kiss abruptly and rolled off. “Lie on your stomach.”


  “You’ll see.” Alex opened the top drawer in his bedside cabinet. “Like I said, I’m bigger than average. I want you to be sure that you’re used to me.”

  Joe rolled over, watching as Alex brought out a condom packet and opened it with his teeth. It was incredibly erotic to see him rolling that over his cock.

  “I don’t want it to be slow. That never does anything for me.”

  Alex paused, a bottle of lube in his hand.

  “You want hard and fast? I might hurt you.”

  “No chance.” Joe rolled his hips and brought one leg up on the bed. “Fuck me, Alex.”

  Where was this confidence coming from? Joe was so aroused that everything seemed to have gone up. Alex’s face darkened, and the hunger that was directed at him made Joe shiver. Alex squirted a generous amount of lube onto his cock, which he worked in with his hand. Then he was clambering over Joe, rubbing his cock against Joe’s buttocks.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” He shifted back a little. Joe looked over his shoulder to watch Alex fist his cock. “Fuck, Joe, I can’t believe you want this so much.”

  “Like I said, it’s been a while.” Joe lifted his hips. “Stop stalling, Alex.”

  Alex chuckled.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He shifted in closer and pressed his cock against Joe’s asshole. Joe gasped as it pushed past his tight entrance and eased slowly into his ass. Holy fuck, the pleasure and pain were co-mingling there. But then the pain eased as Alex slowly worked his cock in, and all Joe could see was intense pleasure that was rippling up his spine. It was a deep, strong heat that curled all around his body and he felt his body being filled to a point where he almost couldn’t breathe.

  Alex shuddered. Then he growled and hauled Joe up onto his hands and knees. He slowly pulled back, and then rammed forward, almost knocking Joe back onto his face. Joe moaned as his orgasm started prickling at his awareness. It was going to build pretty rapidly, he was sure.

  Alex was not gentle. His thrusts were hard and deep, their bodies slapping together as he gripped Joe’s hips, keeping him in place. His fucking was relentless, and just sent more ripples of delicious pleasure through Joe’s body. He wanted to push back, take more of Alex in, but Joe could hardly move. His hands tightened onto the duvet and he held on, feeling his orgasm gathering speed. Much faster than he was expecting. Never had he approached a climax this quickly before.

  When it did hit, Joe felt like his whole body was exploding. Slumping onto his elbows, he stroked his cock as he came, his fingers getting coated with his warm seed. Then Alex changed the angle of his thrusts, which had Joe crying out. Damn, that felt good.

  “Fuck, Joe…” Alex was breathing heavily as his hips jerked. “I’m going to…”

  Joe felt Alex’s orgasm as Alex let out a shout, his hips slamming hard into Joe, Alex’s hands keeping Joe from moving away. His cock twitched inside Joe’s ass, which had Joe moaning again. His own cock twitched in his hand, and Joe could hardly keep himself upright. His head was pounding, his ears were ringing. If this was what an orgasm really felt like, he had been doing it wrong for years.

  Alex slowly eased himself out, which has Joe protesting a little, and he slumped onto the bed. Joe shifted onto his side and looked over the other man as he lay panting, staring up at the ceiling. His body was streaked in sweat,
glistening under the light, his chest heaving as he tried to get air into his lungs.

  “Wow.” Alex gasped.

  Joe grinned.

  “Wow indeed.” He traced his fingers over Alex’s chest, brushing across his nipples. “You certainly know how to make a guy feel satisfied.”

  “Glad to know.” Alex turned his head to stare at Joe. Something flickered behind his eyes before it was gone. “I don’t think I’ve come so much in a while.”


  “I’m serious.”

  And he meant it. Joe felt something warm his chest, and he pushed it aside. He wasn’t meant to be developing feelings for the guy. This was meant to be a night of hot, sweaty sex and then walk away from each other. The chemistry was incredible, and it certainly helped, but it couldn’t be more than that.

  Why not? If you’re compatible sexually, maybe you’ll be compatible in other things.

  I doubt it. This is a one-off, and it’s staying that way, no matter what.

  Although Joe had a feeling if he asked Alex on a proper date, he would accept.

  He saw that Alex’s cock was hardening again. Even after just climaxing, he was ready for more. So was Joe. That had never happened so quickly after sex.

  “So,” Alex breathed as Joe reached out and took the condom off his cock. “Do you need to get back urgently?”

  “I do need to get back soon.” Joe shuffled off the bed and tossed the condom into the trash can by the door. “I have an appointment early tomorrow and I need to be ready for it.”

  “Then I’ll let you go.” Alex didn’t take his eyes off Joe as Joe crawled back onto the bed. “Once I’ve fucked you a little more.”

  Joe grinned and stroked Alex’s hardening cock.

  “I get to fuck you first.”

  Alex’s voice came out as a gasp when Joe took his cock into his mouth.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  If this was going to be just one night, Joe was going to make the most of it.

  Chapter Three

  Alex’s ass was feeling a little sore as he sat in his chair, waiting for Tracey’s ex-husband and the other lawyer to turn up. It made sitting down a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t care. It was worth it.

  When he had turned around to admonish the guy who had knocked his drink all over the place, Alex had not expected to be met with a gorgeous male who looked like an Adonis. There was an easy manner about him that Alex had felt immediately, and his eyes were warm, friendly. His beard was trimmed neatly, and Alex had a sudden urge to rub his hand over the soft hair on Joe’s jaw.

  It had been a while since a guy made Alex immediately think of sex, and not as intense as this. From the way Joe had behaved, he had felt it as well. Alex didn’t pick guys up, as a rule, but he was willing to do something a little more daring. Taking a stranger home for sex was certainly daring.

  And the sex had been incredible. Alex still had memories of the night before floating back to him. Not good when it kept making him more aroused and his client was sitting next to him. But he couldn’t help it. Joe was very enthusiastic in bed, and he had left a lasting impression. For someone who hadn’t had sex with a guy in ten years, he certainly handled Alex well. Some of Alex’s previous sexual encounters hadn’t ended well; with his size, it was uncomfortable on some guys. Joe happily accepted it.

  Alex hadn’t wanted Joe to leave, but Joe did have to get ready for a meeting the next morning. So did he, and Alex knew if he woke up with Joe in bed beside him, they wouldn’t have gone to work on time, if at all. Alex couldn’t do that today, not when Tracey Benfield was his client. She would hit the roof. Even then, Alex didn’t want Joe to really go, but that was what they had agreed on. Something daring, living dangerously. That was it. No more than that.

  Which was a shame. If there had been a chance, or Joe had asked to see him again, Alex would have jumped at it. He wanted to see Joe again. That chemistry last night had been intense, and Alex wanted to explore it. For the first time in months, he wanted to consider a relationship. Even though they spent more time fucking than talking, Alex knew it would be great.

  Maybe it was a good thing Joe didn’t leave his name and number. Otherwise Alex would be looking at his phone every ten seconds to see if he had a message yet. Or he would be spamming Joe with multiple texts, and that wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t want to be seen as a stalker.

  He might not see Joe again - he didn’t know much about him beyond he was a single dad who worked from home - but the man had certainly left a lasting impression.


  “How much longer do we have to wait?” Tracey complained. She flopped back in her chair and scolded. “God’s sake!”

  “We are early, Ms. Banfield.” Alex pointed out. He crossed his legs, willing his cock to retreat and stop tenting his pants. “We just need to be patient.”

  Tracey snorted. She got up and started pacing.

  “Joseph’s always late. He was never on time for anything in his life. I’m surprised he was actually at the altar when I turned up.”

  Alex was surprised any guy would be at the altar when they knew a load of crazy was coming toward them. Then again, Tracey may not have shown she was crazy at that point. They tended to show it once they were fully settled in and comfortable. Alex had many clients with ex-spouses like that. It was nothing new. Even so, he felt a slight pang of sympathy for the ex-husband. He must have had to deal with quite a lot when they were married.

  “Can I ask you a question, Ms. Banfield?”

  Tracey shrugged, but she didn’t stop pacing. It was already making Alex dizzy.

  “I suppose.”

  “If you and he hate each other so much, why did you marry him in the first place?”

  Tracey sighed, slowing to a stop. Thank God.

  “I didn’t hate him then. I didn’t know the real man. I do now, and I don’t like it at all. My babies deserve better. A good man as a father. Not him.”

  There was so much venom dripping from her. Alex had gotten over the shock of how much someone could hate a previously devoted loved one so much so suddenly. He had seen it happen so many times with his parents, his mother going from she loved him to how she should have aborted him when she had the chance and back again. His father had been the same, and he had used his fists. Alex had never been so happy as the day when CPS came to the house. He had been threatened with keeping quiet and he would tear the family apart if he said anything, but ten-year-old Alex didn’t care. He just wanted a home where he was loved and nobody hit him.

  His parents never tried to get him back, choosing to focus on Alex’s little brothers and sisters when they finally gained custody of them. And lost them again. They were in and out of their family home while Alex stayed with a loving older couple who raised him, even now. Alex had been crushed he wasn’t cared about, but he knew where their conditional love lay and it was not with him.

  He hadn’t spoken to them since his thirteenth birthday when his foster parents wanted to adopt him. His parents turned up in court, simply shrugged and said Alex was a bad kid they never wanted. That was the last time they broke Alex’s heart, and he didn’t see them again. He didn’t even know if his siblings were around or what they were doing. Twenty years, and nothing. That hurt, but Alex knew his mental health was more important.

  He knew comparing his situation to Tracey’s was not exactly a good idea, seeing as they weren’t comparable, but Alex could understand and sympathize Tracey’s situation. At least she was trying to get her kids back. Deep down, under her animosity and crazy antics, she did love them on some level. More than Alex’s parents had ever done.

  His parents hadn’t bothered fighting for him, not even over selfish reasons.

  The door opened, and Alex rose to his feet to greet opposing counsel and the ex-husband. The first to come in was a short, squat man with thick glasses and thinning hair sporting a thick bushy beard. Stephen Roney was one of the best lawyers in his field. Alex resp
ected that, even if he felt like he was going toe-to-toe with Mike Tyson every time they were in the same room.

  But it was the man who came in behind Stephen that got Alex’s attention. Now dressed in a simple dark gray suit with a silver tie, freshly shaved, was a man he did not expect to see so soon, or in this capacity.

  It was Joe, who was staring at him like he had seen a ghost.

  Holy shit. Had he just fucked the ex-husband?

  All the blood seemed to rush out of Alex’s head. He swayed and he had to sink back into his chair as his legs threatened to give way. His heart had stopped and was now trying to catch up. Oh, God, what had he done?

  “Alex?” Stephen was looking at him oddly. So was Tracey. “You okay?”

  “I... I’m fine.” Alex swallowed and managed to half-rise out of his chair again. “Sorry, I... It’s nothing.” He reached out a hand. “Nice to see you again, Stephen.”

  “And you, Alex.” Stephen shook hands, still looking at him oddly. Then he turned to Joe, only to frown when he saw the look on Joe’s face. “Joe?”

  “What?” Joe blinked and looked up. His expression was like someone had slapped him. He shook himself and hurried to a chair. “I’m okay.”

  He wasn’t. Alex could tell that he wasn’t. And he could understand; he was still trying to figure out what the hell had just happened as well. How had they not known who the other one was? If Alex had known, he wouldn’t have taken Joe into his bed.

  They were screwed. And not in a good way.

  “Finally!” Tracey sighed dramatically and sagged into her chair, folding her arms like a petulant child. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  Alex frowned at her before adjusting himself in his chair. He had to scoot a bit more under the table so Tracey couldn’t see his erection coming back to life. Just the mere sight of Joe sitting across from his ex, was enough to make his skin prickle. The attraction hadn’t gone. If anything, it seemed to be burning brighter.


  “We have our draft regarding custody arrangements here, Mr. Cooke.” Stephen opened his briefcase and took out a slim file. “I assume that you have your client’s wishes as well.”