In Your Arms Again Read online

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  Jason heard the voice in the background.

  "Are you with someone right now?" he asked casually.

  "Why do you ask?"

  "I heard someone speak."

  "That's my manager. He just reminded me that I have a meeting this afternoon."

  "Oh, okay." Jason didn't know what else to say.

  "I’ll pick you up by ten p.m.?" he asked.


  The two said their goodbyes and disconnected the call. Fred turned to his manager.

  "After the meeting, today, cancel my appointments for the next five days."

  "Are you kidding me?" Benjamin was still in shock. He had never seen Fred look so excited since before Maurice had walked out on him.

  "I'm serious. I've got to have fun, don't I?"

  "You have to perform tomorrow at concert in Honolulu. Have you forgotten that you left Sydney for this?"

  "Sure. I completely forgot. Don't worry, I’ll make it to the concert." Fred tried to defend himself.

  "What is going on here?" Ben asked.

  "What do you mean?" he asked feigning ignorance.

  "Who was the man that just called you?"

  "Oh, that's Jason, he’s my..."

  "Lover?" Ben asked.

  "Oh yes. He’s my lover."

  "Fred...listen to me..." Ben began.

  "You’re my friend and you stood by me for a good seven years but Ben, I’m an adult and I have a right to decide who my lover is and isn’t."

  "I know that, Fred. You’re an adult, but I’m only looking out for you. The last time you let a man this close to you, you were hurt."

  "You just said I’m a fully-grown man capable of making my own decisions."

  "Yes. I said that, but who’s this Jason guy? Where did you meet him?"

  "I don't answer to you, Ben. Your job is to manage my music and public affairs and not my private life."

  "You just invited a complete and total stranger to spend five days in your house. Don't you think you should do a background check on him?"

  "There’s no need."

  "You have to be careful."

  Fred sat on the sofa and stretched his legs, "This conversation is over. Clear my schedule for the next five days except for tomorrow's concert."

  Benjamin, knowing Fred too well and knowing he wouldn't appreciate it if he dug into his private affairs, decided to keep quiet.

  "Suit yourself,” he said.

  "Good." Fred smiled, then asked, "So tell me, how is your wife doing?"

  "Cara is doing great." Benjamin smiled at the mention of his wife.

  "The kids?" Fred asked him

  "They are all in good health."

  They sat down and began talking about business. Within minutes, Fred had almost forgotten about Jason and the fact that they would be having the next five days completely to themselves.

  The beeping of his phone stopped their conversation. He hastily reached out and smiled as soon as he saw the name of the caller.

  "It's Elena, isn't it?" Ben asked. He knew that Elena was Fred's weakness.

  She was his only sister and the two were really close.

  "Who else would make me laugh so easily, if not Elena?" Fred asked.

  "Little Sis," he said, as soon as he pressed the receive button.

  "Don't little sis me. You completely forgot about today, didn't you?" She sounded angry.

  "Today? What is happening today?" he asked.

  "Are you kidding me?" She shouted at him.

  "Today is July 26th." Benjamin supplied, but when Fred blinked, not understanding, he whispered, “It’s Elena’s birthday!”

  "Damn it." Fred cursed out loud.

  "I am so sorry...I..." he began to apologize but Elena was too upset.

  "Go to hell, big bro!" She snapped and disconnected the call.

  Fred was too shocked to say a word. He had never forgotten his beloved sister's birthday.

  "For the seven years I have been with you, you have never forgotten your sister's birthday. What in the hell got into you?" Ben asked him.

  "I... I had a lot on my mind."

  "It’s him, isn't it?" Ben asked again.

  "My sister is angry at the moment but she can't stay angry with me forever. Order a cake to her and a ticket for her to spend the next week at any destination of her choice."

  "Okay. I’ll see to it,” he said

  "I’ll give her a call later,” he said.

  Surely, he knew that Jason was to blame for this. Since he had met Jason, Fred could think of nothing and no one but him. Jason was like opium which he couldn't get enough.

  All he needed was to quench his thirst in these next five days and be on his way. He couldn't wait to have Jason sleep next to him.

  Chapter Six

  Jason was already all packed up and ready when Fred knocked on the door to his room. As soon as he opened the door and saw Fred, he felt his heart miss a beat. He couldn't wait; he rushed toward him, pulled him into his arms and began to kiss him.

  At first, Fred was surprised at Jason's reaction but when Jason's lips claimed his, he couldn't help himself. He was pulled into the room and he heard the door shut close behind him.

  "Gosh, I miss you too much," Jason said. He was breathing hard.

  "I missed you too." He retorted. The two kissed for a good minute, moaning and groaning into each other's mouth until Jason realized they had to be on their way. He managed to put the kiss to a halt.

  "Are you all packed?" Fred asked, raking his fingers into his hair.

  "Yes. I've got everything packed and ready." Jason retorted, grinning.

  "We should go,” he said.

  "How was your meeting?"

  "It went well. My manager wants me to go into modeling." He revealed.

  "Do you want to?" Jason inquired, raising a brow.

  Fred shrugged. "Well, I haven't decided yet."

  "I think I’ll advise you to follow your heart," Jason said.

  "Thanks, man"

  "Fred?" Jason called

  "Yes?" Fred's lips were pink and swollen from the kiss he had just received from Jason

  "Are you sure about this? It isn't too late, you know."

  Fred sighed. He knew that Jason was giving him a chance to change his mind.

  "I’m sure,” he said, reassuringly.


  He walked to the closet and picked his suitcase and his laptop.

  "Are these all?"


  Jason picked the suitcase while Fred helped with the laptop. They took the elevator downstairs. Once at the lobby, Jason checked out of his room and the two happily walked toward Fred's SUV.

  "We've got to buy some lube and condoms," Fred said as he started the car.

  "Don’t worry, I walked to a mall and bought some," Jason supplied.

  His personal assistant had been surprised when he had called to tell her that he had some personal issues to take care of in Hawaii and would spend an extra five days.

  "Well, she said, you were supposed to be away for two weeks, I didn't understand why you decided to cut the trip short in the first place."

  "Schedule a board meeting next Tuesday at nine in the morning," he finally instructed.

  "What have you decided?" She was curious.

  "I’ll tell everyone the bitter truth. We've gone bankrupt."

  Sarah sighed.

  "You really did try your best to recover the thirty million dollars lost by your Shane. We all know you tried your best."

  "I did."

  "Bye, Jason," she told him.

  "Bye." The line went dead.

  He turned to look at Fred only to find him staring at him.

  "You looked distant. What are you thinking of?" Fred asked.

  "Nothing important," Jason hastily added.

  He had just met Fred and he didn't want to start bothering him with his personal issues. He didn't know how Fred would take it. Jason didn't want Fred to think he was begging and the last thing h
e wanted was to have to beg Fred for help.


  Thirty minutes later, Fred drove the black SUV into the parking lot of his penthouse.

  "Welcome to my abode,” he said, unlocking the driver's door and got out of the car.

  "Thank you," Jason retorted. He also got out of the car.

  "Wow, this place is beautiful," he told him.

  He didn't add that he had a similar house like this back in New York.

  "I'm sure you would love it." Fred grinned and the two took the elevator upstairs.

  Jason noted that the penthouse wasn't located on the highest floor of the building. Like most modern penthouses, this one had three floors on top of it. They stopped in front of Fred's door and he unlocked the door.

  "Goodness, this is beautiful." Jason couldn't hide his surprise.

  The living room was painted blue while the furniture was white. There was a big flat screen TV on one part of the wall. The room had a fireplace and a small bar.

  "This is really beautiful!" he exclaimed.

  "Wait until you see the bathroom." Fred was proud. He had spent a lot of money here. Without giving Jason a choice, he pulled him toward a door and they found themselves in the master bedroom. This room was decorated with green. There was a large bed in the middle of the room, a large closet and a reading table.

  "You must have spent a fortune here," he said.

  "You’re a real estate agent. You should know the cost of a penthouse," Fred interjected.

  "Yeah, I do. It’s very expensive.

  "It is. Come, let me show you my bathroom."

  They walked toward a connecting door. Here, Jason smiled. They seemed to have the same taste in bathrooms.

  The bathroom was large. There was a bathtub, a Jacuzzi and a shower stall. The whole place was so spotlessly clean and perfect.

  "The cleaning agency sends in someone to have this place thoroughly cleaned once a week. The house was cleaned today," Fred supplied as if he could read Jason's mind.

  "Where’s the kitchen?" Jason was excited. He hadn't cooked in more than a week.

  "Do you cook?" Fred asked.

  "Yea, my mom was a chef before she met my dad."

  "Before?" Fred raised a brow.

  "After their wedding, Mom got pregnant. She quit her job to take care of my older brother."

  "You didn't tell me you had an older brother." Fred couldn't imagine Jason with an older brother.

  "We were kids when he died. He lay down one night and never woke up."

  "Oh, sorry about that."

  "It’s nothing. It happened a long time ago."

  There was silence in the room.

  "Come. Let me show you to the kitchen," Fred said and walked past Jason.

  When they got to the kitchen, Jason was obviously happy. The kitchen reminded him of his own kitchen back home.

  It was painted white. The kitchen had stainless steel appliances, a granite counter-top, and a dishwasher.

  "You love it?" Fred asked. For some reason, he wanted Jason to love his apartment.

  "Yes. Do you mind if I cook here?" he asked.

  "No. I’m a terrible cook."

  They burst into laughter.

  "Did your mom teach you how to cook?" Fred asked looking curious.

  "Yes. I took after her. I wanted to learn and I was always with her when she cooked."

  "She sounds like a great woman."

  "She was."

  "Was? You mean she’s dead?"

  "Yea, she died of cancer when I was eighteen."

  "She raised an amazing son."

  They laughed. Their hands met and it was like an electric shock. The lovers stared into each other's eyes and saw the passion in them.

  "I want you, Fred," Jason muttered in a husky tone.

  "I want you too, Jason."

  Like kids, they ran into the bedroom and hastily began to get rid of their clothes. As they stripped off their clothes, they kissed, caressing each other and exploring their body.

  "I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you," Jason whispered, nibbling Fred's ear.

  Fred groaned. “I’m all yours,” he cried.

  Slowly, he allowed his hands to travel down Jason's shoulders and then his hard muscular stomach.

  "Do you know what I've always wanted to do with you?" he asked

  "What’s that?" Jason asked.

  "I want to lick every inch of you until you beg for mercy."

  "Oh Lord, you’re killing me." Jason was already imagining Fred's lips all over his body.

  "I'm all yours to do as you will,” he cried.

  Fred gently pushed him into the bed.

  "I’ll be right back,” he said and ran out of the room.

  As soon as Fred walked out, Jason hastily sat up and got rid of his jeans. He saw Fred walk into the room with a bottle of champagne in his hands.

  "What the hell is that for?" Jason asked.

  "Just lie still and let my hands, lips and tongue give you pleasure."

  Jason lay down and watched as Fred came down upon him. They were both breathing hard with passion.

  Before he could think, he heard Fred pop the champagne in his hands.

  "What the heck."

  "Relax, my sweet."

  Jason lay back against the pillows.

  "Promise me something," Fred begged.

  "What do you want?" Jason asked.

  "No matter what you feel, your hands will remain where they are."

  "What's all this about?" Jason curiously asked.

  "Just promise me." Fred insisted, grinning like a fool

  "Okay. I promise."


  Before Jason could think of what Fred intended, Fred had captured his lips in his. It was nothing he expected. The kiss was fierce, passionate and electrifying.

  "Fred...please…" This time, it was Jason who begged.

  "I'm not done with you, yet," he beamed.

  Jason closed his eyes, savoring every second of the pleasure engulfing him. He heard something. Before he could react, he felt warm liquid all over his body.

  "What are you doing?" he asked, snapping his eyes opened.

  "This..." Fred said and slowly brought his tongue on Jason's nipple. The pleasure he felt was so acute and unexpected that Jason let out a loud yell. His voice was filling the whole room.

  "You love this, huh?" Fred asked laughing wickedly.

  Jason could only nod his head in agreement. He was breathing so hard even he could hear the pounding of his heart.

  "I’ll lick every inch of you until there’s no drop of champagne on you." He smiled.

  The thought of Fred licking and kissing him made Jason almost cum.

  "I don't want you to ever forget this day," Fred added and brought his teeth around the nipple he had just licked. He bit Jason tenderly and Jason let out a loud yell.

  The thought of being at the mercy of Fred made Jason to almost lose his mind. He closed his eyes and thought of nothing more. He forgot who he was or the fact that his business has crumbled and he had gone bankrupt. All he thought about was all the sweet things his lover's lips and tongue were doing to him.

  Fred was having the best time of his life. He made sure he licked every part of Jason and when his tongue touched Jason's dick, he felt a thrill of pleasure when Jason let out another yell and thrust his hips upward.

  "You’re so perfectly made,” he muttered before taking Jason's hard dick into his mouth. The room was filled with Jason's moan and every sound Jason made, Fred found it sexy and satisfying.

  "No, stop it, I'm gonna cum," Jason whispered. He couldn't take it anymore.

  Fred didn't want Jason to cum yet. He wanted the moment to last forever. Jason, realizing he was losing it, hastily sat up. That didn't stop Fred from licking every one of his toes until they curled.

  "I need you," Fred whispered, breathing hard.

  "The lube!" Jason cried searching the room for his suitcase.

  He jumped from the b
ed and went to his suitcase. With shaky hands, he unzipped the suitcase and retrieved the lube he had earlier bought. His eyes caught the pack of a condoms and he took it.

  He turned and found Fred playing with his hard dick. He was rubbing it feverishly and moaning softly. Without thinking, Jason walked to the bed, went on his knees besides Fred and brought his lips down on Fred's hardness.

  "Oh…oh...oh…" Fred cried out.

  Jason didn't stop. He licked and sucked until he heard Fred's body began to quiver.

  "I’m about to cum!" Fred cried out.

  Jason hastily removed his mouth from Fred's dick. He tore open a condom and expertly slid it on his hard dick before turning Fred around until he was lying on his back.

  By this time, their need for each other was so much that they couldn't wait to quench their thirst.

  "Please..." Fred cried.

  Jason unsealed the lube and hastily lubricated Fred's asshole.

  "What have you done to me, Fred?" Jason cried and with one single thrust pushed into him. Jason let out a loud groan as he felt that sweet sensation began to build up again, while Fred couldn't contain his excitement. He was yelling at the top of his voice.

  "Fuck me,” he cried.

  Jason continued to thrust in and out of Fred's asshole, savoring every minute and enjoying the moans emanating from Fred.

  "Oh yes, faster..." Fred cried out.

  His body was sleek and he was shaking like a leaf.

  Jason obeyed his lover with pride. He increased his tempo and continued to thrust in and out feeling the tension began to build.

  "God, this is too much...I'm...I'm...gonna cum!" Jason cried.

  "Oh yes, I want you to cum in me!" Fred managed to yell.

  Jason increased his tempo, groaning like a hurt animal.

  "I'm about to cum too..." Fred cried out.

  Jason pulled back and then with a powerful thrust, threw his head back and cried his release. Fred heard Jason and couldn't take it anymore. He rolled his eyes, and his body began to shake just as Jason made another powerful thrust. At that moment, his mind went blank. He closed his eyes and let a soft whimper, feeling his own cum on the bed. Jason whose mind was still blank fell back against the pillow, breathing so hard. He wanted to talk but he couldn't. He turned toward Fred and saw him lying limp on the bed, too tired and satisfied to move.

  After what seemed like ages, Fred rolled until he was lying on his back. He looked tenderly at Jason and knew that what he felt for him was very special.